In a research review published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, Rutgers Health researchers identified dentists as an unexpected player in the battle against life-threatening sleep disorders. In recent years, the dental profession has moved beyond the traditional focus on teeth and gums. Attentive and caring dentists often identify systemic health problems before other specialists do. For example especially life-threatening sleep disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, often goes undetected and untreated. However, through close monitoring and screening during routine dental exams, dentists can be the first line of defense in the fight against this serious condition.

Dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life-threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties - dentistry's unexpected frontier for protecting patients' health and lives

The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Disorders: A Dental Perspective

Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Obstructive sleep apnea is a chronic disorder where the airway becomes repeatedly blocked during sleep, leading to disrupted breathing. This condition not only causes severe sleep deprivation but is also linked to a host of serious health issues, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and neurodegeneration. Despite its prevalence, many individuals remain unaware of their condition, often attributing symptoms like fatigue, snoring, or teeth grinding to less serious causes.

Why dentists – that’s not their specialty, is it

It’s simple, dentists are more common. And not only for treatment, but also for preventive examinations. Patients often do not realize and do not notice that they have a problem, and what they notice is considered insignificant and ignore the symptoms. The dentist is able to see signs of obstructive sleep apnea, facial structures, muscle development, tongue shape. And let the patient (or the patient’s primary care physician) know about the problem long before the condition worsens and leads to serious health problems.

Dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life-threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties - dentistry's unexpected frontier for protecting patients' health and lives

Key Indicators of Sleep Disorders in Dental Examinations

Physical Signs: What Dentists Should Look For

During routine dental exams, dentists should be vigilant in identifying the following physical signs, which may indicate an underlying sleep disorder:

  • Enlarged Jaw Muscles: Hypertrophy of the jaw muscles can result from chronic teeth grinding, often associated with sleep apnea.

    Dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life-threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties - dentistry's unexpected frontier for protecting patients' health and lives

  • Scalloped Tongue Edges: This occurs when the tongue presses against the teeth during sleep, a common sign of airway obstruction.

    Dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life-threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties - dentistry's unexpected frontier for protecting patients' health and lives dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties dentistrys unexpected frontier for protecting patients health and lives 4

  • White Lines on the Cheeks: Known as linea alba, these white lines are caused by the friction of the cheeks against the teeth, often due to nighttime clenching or grinding.

    Dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life-threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties - dentistry's unexpected frontier for protecting patients' health and lives dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties dentistrys unexpected frontier for protecting patients health and lives 5

  • Restricted Throat Visibility: A limited view of the throat can suggest a narrowed airway, a key feature of obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Dental Wear Patterns: Excessive wear on teeth, particularly if accompanied by tiny cracks, may indicate chronic bruxism linked to sleep disturbances.

    Dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life-threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties - dentistry's unexpected frontier for protecting patients' health and lives dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties dentistrys unexpected frontier for protecting patients health and lives 6

Behavioral Signs: Observations Beyond the Mouth

Dentists should also consider patients’ behavior and medical history, which can provide crucial clues to underlying sleep disorders:

  • Dozing Off in the Dental Chair: This can be an early indicator of severe sleep deprivation, a hallmark of sleep apnea.
  • Snoring or Witnessed Apneas: Patients or their partners reporting snoring or observed episodes of breathing cessation during sleep should raise concerns.

The Role of Dentists in Preventing Serious Health Complications

Early Intervention: A Lifesaving Opportunity

By recognizing the signs of sleep disorders early, dentists can facilitate timely referrals to sleep medicine specialists. Early intervention can prevent the progression of sleep apnea to more severe health issues, such as heart disease, stroke, and even sudden cardiac death. Dentists who incorporate sleep disorder screening into their practice not only enhance the quality of care they provide but also contribute significantly to their patients’ overall well-being.

Implementing Sleep Disorder Screening in Dental Practices

To effectively screen for sleep disorders, dental practices should consider the following steps:

  • Incorporate Sleep-Related Questions into Patient History Forms: Asking patients about their sleep patterns, snoring, and daytime sleepiness can provide valuable information for identifying at-risk individuals.
  • Use Validated Screening Tools: Instruments like the STOP-BANG questionnaire can help assess the likelihood of obstructive sleep apnea in patients.
  • Train Dental Staff: Educating dental teams about the signs of sleep disorders ensures that all members of the practice can contribute to early detection efforts.
  • Establish Referral Networks: Building relationships with sleep medicine specialists facilitates seamless referrals for patients who require further evaluation and treatment.

The Future of Dentistry: A Holistic Approach to Patient Care

As our understanding of the relationship between oral health and systemic conditions deepens, the role of dentists in healthcare continues to expand. By embracing their potential to identify and address sleep disorders, dental professionals can profoundly impact their patients’ lives. This holistic approach to dentistry not only enhances patient outcomes but also positions dentists as integral members of the broader healthcare team.

Diagram: The Dentist’s Role in Sleep Disorder Detection

Dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life-threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties - dentistry's unexpected frontier for protecting patients' health and lives dentists can diagnose apnea and spot other life threatening problems earlier than doctors in other specialties dentistrys unexpected frontier for protecting patients health and lives 7

Conclusion: Empowering Dentists to Save Lives

Dentists have a unique opportunity to contribute to the early detection and prevention of life-threatening sleep disorders. By integrating sleep disorder screening into their practice, they can play a crucial role in safeguarding their patients’ health. This proactive approach not only enhances dental care but also positions dentists as key players in the fight against serious systemic diseases.



  1. ScienceDaily – From cavities to sleep apnea: Dentists can assume new role in saving lives – September 3, 2024
  2. JADA – The enigma of sleep: Implications of sleep neuroscience for the dental clinician and patient – September 2, 2024
Curatorial Yurij
Curatorial Yurij
Head of Content at Uniqa Dental As an expert in dental industry, my task is to tell in a simple and fascinating way about complex highly organized series of procedures for the benefit of practitioners.