An implant analog is a special component that is used when modeling a denture. It is used in conjunction with a transfer at the stage of creating a 3D model of the jaw using an impression. As a result, the analog of the implant occupies exactly the same place on the plaster cast as the real implant in the patient’s jaw. Then it is used to model and fit the prosthesis. Several implant analogs can be installed in one jaw impression and the prosthesis can be a multi-component structure. Unfortunately, a type request often comes across – an analog of an implant against an impression transfer. Both products are used in the process of creating an impression and it is wrong to oppose them. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know to select the correct analog of the implant.
What is a laboratory analog of an implant and its role in dental prosthetics?
The implant analog must be embedded in the jaw impression in such a way as to fully mimic the position of the real implant in the patient’s oral cavity.

The manufacture of the jaw model takes place in two stages. The first stage is the removal of a cast of the jaw with imprints of preserved teeth and soft tissues. The main task is to get an accurate imprint of the location and angle of the real implant.
Before taking the impression, the osseointegration of the dental implant should be successfully completed and the gum should completely heal and form.
To take an impression, you need to remove the gum shaper and install a transfer in its place, which is a rod with a hole for a laboratory screw. Transfers are needed to transfer the location of the implant to the model, so there is no opposition and question: analog of the implant against the impression transfer.
There are two technologies for taking an impression and two types of transfers.
- Taking an impression with an open spoon. In this case, the transfer screw extends beyond the tray and remains accessible. After the plastic mass has solidified, you need to unscrew the screw and remove the tray with the impression. The transfer at the same time immediately remains in the cast. An analog of the implant is attached to it, and the cast is filled with a special plaster for dental models. After the gypsum has hardened, the cast and transfer are removed, while the analog of the implant repeats the anatomical position of the real implant.
- Taking an impression with a closed tray. A short transfer with a hidden screw is used here. The screw shaft is closed with a plug so that the plastic mass does not get inside. After taking the impression, the transfer remains in the patient’s jaw. From there, it is unscrewed, an analog implant is attached to it and inserted into the cast, where the socket for the transfer was formed. Further, the procedure is the same as in the first case. After hardening, a plaster model of the jaw is obtained with an analog of the implant in the right place. We remind you once again that the transfer or implant analog are applied in parallel and are not alternative to each other – analog of an implant versus an impression post is like front wheels versus rear wheels.
The open-tray method of taking an impression is more accurate, but the long shaft of the transfer screw does not always allow it to be used. If the implants are installed in the region of the extreme molars, then the patient’s mouth simply does not open wide enough, so you have to work with a closed spoon.
Implant analogs repeat not only the location and angle of deviation of the real implant, but also the abutment attachment interface. That is why Uniqa Dental offers implant analogs compatible with the most common interfaces:
- standard hexagon;
- cone connection 22° and 24°;
The page also lists the brands compatible with implant analogs from Uniqa Dental. The answer to the question of what is a laboratory analog of an implant will not be complete without mentioning the size and material of manufacture.
The length and shape of implant analogs depends on the specific clinical case; in this category, you can buy both straight and analogs of implants with offset fastening (angular).
The upper part of the implant analog is clearly in the same place in the model as the real implant in the jaw. After that, abutments are installed in the analog of the implant and an image of the future restoration is formed.
Recently, screw-retained prosthesis abutments have been increasingly used. After all, they can be installed on the model to make and fit the prosthesis. Then remove the abutments together with the prosthesis, transfer to the patient’s oral cavity, fix with clinical screws, and close the screw shafts using the same methods as when installing seals. A photopolymer composite is often used.
Abutment analogs from Uniqa Dental are made from the same Grade 23 titanium alloy as clinical dental implants. This gives maximum reliability during transfer and a long service life. After all, implant analogs are a reusable product. Keep this in mind when choosing, because many manufacturers offer analogs of abutments and non-ferrous metals. Even tightening a laboratory screw can deform the threads of such a product, and it will be problematic to reuse it.
Grade 23 alloy has high strength almost at the level of Grade 5, but surpasses the latter in ductility, which eliminates the risk of breaking the product even if it is very thin or has thin walls.
Why is it profitable to buy analogs of implants from Uniqa Dental
There are many manufacturers of implant analogs, but Uniqa Dental products have a number of advantages:
- Each product is the result of a continuous search for the best solution. Research and development is ongoing at Uniqa Dental. Even well-established methods and technologies are constantly changing and improving. As a result, we have the highest precision in manufacturing products. If you buy an implant analog from Uniqa Dental, you will receive a product with minimal dimensional tolerances.
- Production specialists at Uniqa Dental are engineers who have mastered the basics of implantologists and dentists who have understood the materials and processing technologies of titanium alloys. Customer support specialists also have a deep understanding of product features and knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of implants from world brands. Uniqa Dental has focused on technology and quality rather than advertising and pure marketing.
- The quality of Uniqa Dental products also depends on the production base. First of all, it is a technological process worked out to the smallest detail. Minimize downtime periods and, of course, the most modern CNC machines, electroplating and sterilization equipment.
- Our customers receive free shipping on any order, even from one unit for $5.
- High speed and delivery has become achievable due to the opening of warehouses in the United States. Our clients receive the order within 1-2 days from the moment of placing the application.
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