In recent years, there have been significant advancements in dental implant and other restorative treatments that offer hope for people who suffer from missing or damaged teeth. These developments have made it possible to restore a natural-looking smile with greater ease and effectiveness than ever before.

One of the most significant developments in dental implant technology is the use of 3D printing to create custom-made dental implants. This technology allows dentists to create a precise and accurate replica of the patient’s tooth, which can then be used as a template for the implant. This process has revolutionized the field of dental implantology because patients no longer need to wait for weeks for the prosthesis to be manufactured, nor do they have to undergo tiresome and unpleasant procedures for fitting and adjusting the prosthesis.

Dental implants, restorative treatments
However, 3D printing has its limitations and is often used to produce temporary prosthetics or jaw models for work with them. Therefore, special CNC milling machines are used to manufacture permanent prosthetics from zirconia. The patient receives a high-quality prosthesis that is indistinguishable from natural teeth and has no service life limitations.

Dental implants, restorative treatments

Another important development in dental implant technology is the use of computer-guided surgery. This technique uses advanced imaging and software to create a virtual model of the patient’s jaw, allowing the dentist to plan and execute the implant surgery with greater accuracy and precision. This has made the implant surgery less invasive, less painful, and more predictable, reducing the healing time and increasing the success rate of the procedure. In addition, a digital jaw scan is performed using an intraoral scanner, which is much simpler and faster compared to the unpleasant and time-consuming process of taking a traditional impression that is uncomfortable for the patient.

Dental implants, restorative treatments

Apart from dental implants, there have been significant advancements in other restorative treatments as well, such as dentures and bridges. The materials used to make these restorations have become more durable, more lifelike, and more comfortable to wear. For example, the use of porcelain and ceramic materials has made dentures and bridges much more natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing.

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Curatorial Yurij
Curatorial Yurij
Head of Content at Uniqa Dental As an expert in dental industry, my task is to tell in a simple and fascinating way about complex highly organized series of procedures for the benefit of practitioners.